head: Zartan - v.6
rest of body - Spy Kids figure - Donnagan

We've all seen Cobra Commander's inner circle of advisors and confidants. But even few of them know of his outer circle of unique-minded specialists he consults from time to time. One of these is the Voo-Doo Priest known as Mister Ouroboros. Cobra Commander seeks power in all it's forms, from the militant to the arcane. He usually seeks the latter in secret, afraid of being labeled superstitious by the more logical, scientific-minded of his inner circle.

As is the tradition of his particular Voudoun lineage, Mister Ouroboros paints his face in the visage of a skull, with a blood red infinity symbol on his forehead. This symbol is known as the "ouroboros', the snake that eats itself, caught in an endless cycle of death and rebirth. Mister Ouroboros claims that, though his body is only a couple decades old, his soul (and wisdom) has lived on for centuries through each Priest in his line.

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