Head: 88 Salvo
Torso: 88 Salvo
Arms: 84 Cutter
Legs: 94 Action Marine
Crotch: 83 Mjr Bludd
Michael Harris was a former bodybuilder who was always just a little 'off' mentally. He was hot-headed and prone to violence. He committed his first homicide at age 19, a crime he was never convincted for to this day. A series of small crimes and assaults eventually took him to the employ of The Headhunters, where he worked for a small time roughing up deadbeat buyers of The Headmans narcotics. Michael enjoyed being payed for his violent talent, but the overall structure and organization of The Headhunters organized crime unit was too much for his limited intelligence. After being arrested for the death of a man whom Break-Out assisted feeding to the lions at a local zoo in the name of The Headhunters, he was thrown into San Quentin federal prison to await his death sentence. Break-Out passed the time reading Batman comics and became obsessed with the villian, Mr Zsasz.After meeting fellow inmate MONKEYWRENCH the Dreadnok the two managed to escape the prison and while on the run back to the Dreadnoks lair in Florida, Break-Out committed a series of serial killings along the way, much to the digust of Monkeywrench, and in the style of his comic book hero, he begun slicing his own arms with marks to 'trophy' his victims upon his own flesh, 18 at last count. Upon his introduction to Zartan, he was taken on as a Dreadnok, again, in an enforcer type of role.Break-Out is wanted in 7 states, for 17 known murders linked back to him. Considered armed and extremely dangerous, subject is to be brough back alive for a FBI reward of 1 million dollars. Several private bounty hunters attempted to cash in on the reward, and were never seen or head from again, but Break-Out has yet to be associated with their disappearances.