Head: Cesspool
Right Arm: Wild Boar
Left Arm: Outback
Torso/upper legs/lower left leg: Headman
Waist: Tele-Viper
Lower Right Leg: Destro v2
Codename: Cesspool
Filename: D'Alleva, Vincent
Primary Specialty: Administration
Secondary Specialty: Chemical Weapons
Bio: At one time, Cesspool was the CEO of a Cobra-backed multi-national corporation with holdings in oil refineries, chemical plants, and mills. In an attempt to placate a group of environmentalists about his operations, Cesspool took them on a tour of one of his chemical plants. While demonstrating the effientcy of a toxic waste containment area, the scaffolding broke and Cesspool fell into the sludge. He survived, but was horribly disfigured and forced to replace his right arm and leg with mechanical substitutes.
As Cobra's Base Commander, Cesspool oversees the numerous bases and operations Cobra has around the world with the same combination of effientcy and cost-cutting that made him so dangerous in the business world.