Head: Modified Duke
Torso: Salvo
Arms: Modified Grunt
Waist/Upper Legs: Ripper
Lower Legs: Wild Bill
Jacket: Custom made by Killuminati

After seeing the 1:4th scale Logan by Sideshow Collectibles, I decided to make a 1:18th version. The hair sculpting took about three hours to do. This was my first time molding with the "green-stuff". The claws are made from modified paper clips. After completing my Punisher customs I couldn't wait to do another bad-ass superhero.

Logan (AKA Weapon X, Wolverine, John Howlett) was born genetically different from the rest of humanity with animal like senses, bone claws that extend from his hands and an accelerated "Mutant Healing Factor". This healing factor allowed him to survive a government experiment, which resulted in his skeleton and claws being laced with the unbreakable metal "Adamantium," making him virtually indestructible, and earning him the code name Wolverine. Having lost his memory in this life-altering experiment, Logan joins the X-Men with the hope of unlocking his mystery-shrouded past.

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