Titan A.E. Surge Phoenix (repaint)
Hiss cannons
Whale missles
Corp figure (partial repaint)
Corp M.P. 5
G.I. Joe Battle gear explosives pack

The Black Mamba is Cobras' new experimental fighter that is faster than any thing the Joes have. Armed with twin 20 mm water cooled cannons and 2 venom air to air missiles, this fighter has a propulsion system so secret that only a hand full of people at M. A. R. S. know how it operates. The pilot wears a special G suit to keep from passing out when the fighter executes a turn. It is known that the "sweep wings" are deployed while in a dog fight or groung attack roles. But if speed is needed, they sweep the wings back and go.

Painted flat black, the Black Mamba is used as a night attack fighter with stealth capabilities. The Joes will not know what hit them until it is to late. With a 180 degree H.U.D. they can track multiple targets. It is rumored that it is a new type of v.t.o.l. Taking off and landing like a rocket, straight up and down.

The pilot, codename Dagger, is rumored to be an expert in small arms and explosives. With the stealth and v.t.o.l. capabilities, Dagger can slip in, plant explosives and get out. His flight suit, although white in the picture, has some color changing capabilities which makes him a formidable foe.

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