Head 1: Power Commandos
Head 2: Spearhead
Torso/Arms: Frag Viper
Waist/Thighs: Annihilator
Lower Legs: Range Viper
Codename: Bluebolts
Filename: MacNolan, Liam
Primary Military Specialty: Field Command
Secondary Military Specialty: Bodyguard
Birthplace: Callander, Scotland
Bio: Liam serves the clan Destro as his father and his father did before him. When James McCullan Destro formed the Iron Grenadiers, Liam was selected from his personal guard to be the Laird's surrogate commander in the field. Because he has served the clan Destro so long, he is considered as much part of the clan as a blood relative, seen as a son by James and a brother by McCullan and Alison.