Head: J&R Barrel Roll
Helmet: J&R Viper
Torso/Legs: Barrel Roll
Biceps: JvC Storm Shadow
Lower Arms: Ripper v2
Waist: Iron Grenadier v3

Customizer's Comments: Counterpunch, along with his G.I. Joe counterpart, Punch are inspired by Punch/Counterpunch from Transformers. I used the same two colors on both, but inverted the locations and made slight asthetic changes.

Codename: Counterpunch
Filename: (Classified)
Primary Military Specialty: Counter-Espionage
Secondary Military Specialty: Infiltration
Birthplace: Classified

Bio: Counterpunch's skills in counter-espionage brought him up from the ranks of the Vipers with a single mission, a mission that he took his code name from, his assignment: to counter the operations of G.I. Joe intelligence officer Punch. Out of a twisted sense of humor, Counterpunch made his new uniform a color-inversion of Punch's.

"It's infuriating, Counterpunch seems to know our every move, and what's worse, he still fights alongside Vipers and he can use that connection to convience them to work with him."

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