Tank - my original MOBAT from childhood
Bogey wheels - fodder MOBAT
Crates and gas can - Marauder Inc.
Bunny - random miniature plastic animals

Figures - Ratchet and Steeler (posted separately)

This is my first attempt at a real diorama. It's not going to win any awards at the Diorama-Rama, but it turned out pretty well. The idea started when my father gave me a surprise gift (or rather, re-gift) this past Christmas: the MOBAT I had when I was a kid, which had been sitting in his closet for who knows how long. So it was a Christmas gift to me in both 1983 and 2018. I was thinking about restoring it at first, but another customizer suggested that it should get to keep its hard-earned dirt, the wisdom of which was apparent, and that led to this diorama. First the tank got a coat of matte sealer, which means the dirt is part of the toy now. The base is made of plywood with a sand mat laid down on top and a little paint. Then it's just some accessories, and two custom figures to finish it - Steeler, who's getting ready to replace some bogey wheels on the damaged MOBAT, and an original character Ratchet, a Combat Recovery Mechanic who's giving some advice.

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