Based on: Marvel G.I. JOE Comics Series Yearbook # 2
Parts Used:
Main Frame: APC
Main Gun: Mobat Turret
Fire Direction Control Center: Transportable Tactical Battle Platform
Weapons Storage: Transportable Tactical Battle Platform Weapons Rack and sheet plastic.
Antenna: Warthog, Rolling Thunder
Main Gun: Mobat Turret
Machine Gun: Machine Gun Defense Unit gun and ammo can, misc parts for mount.
Armored Personnel Carrier
Primary Operator: Dragonski
Qualified Assistant Operators: Stormavik, Bull, Horrorshow and Ramius
Crew: 4
Range: 475 km
Top Speed: 85km/h
Armament: 105mm Main Gun
NSV 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
1.) 85mm Auto Loading Main Turret 24 Rounds
2.) NSV 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun
3.) Smoke Generators
4.) Range Finder/Infra-red Scope
5.) Anti-tank Mines (4)