G.I. Joe Extreme Bone Splitter (accessories parted between two vehicles)
Driver's seat: 1983 HQ
Tow hook: back of Wolverine
As an organization formed (in my Joeverse) by a disgruntled European Crimson Guardsman officer, the Red Shadows are a group with access to the devious minds at MARS and other world arms companies, yet initially without significant clout nor buying power to command their own lines of vehicles. Therefore, for the most part, they have to turn their focus on the Cobra and captured G.I. Joe vehicles in their possession and give them their own personal stamp.
Destro, who at this time is also estranged from Cobra, sends Baron Ironblood a pair of lunar rovers originally built in his legitimate dealings with the European Space Agency (ESA), but due to governmental budget constraints, whose mission was scrubbed. The Baron refits these vehicles with heavy-duty, self-sealing chained tires and various other modifications.
In time this vehicle, the Shadowtrak, will become the backbone of the Baron's Red Shadows.
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For making the Shadowtrak, I wanted something with similar function to the original Action Force vehicle (driver + open bay for passengers / gunners) but not necessarily the boxy six-wheeled Volvo look that didn't imply a fast car. Despite Extreme's 5 in. size, I thought the Bone Splitter was the perfect shell for such a vehicle. (It helps that I'd won a lot of like six of these. :) )