Classic Serpentor:
Head: Depth Charge (modified)
Torso: Depth Charge (modified)
Arms: Sand Viper (modified)
Waist: Depth Charge (modified)
Legs: Sand Viper (modified)
Cape: Star Wars Count Dooku (modified)
Knife: VvV Baroness

I had already done a DD Serpentor awhile back, so I decided to make a new-sculpt version of his classic look. I based it mainly on this.

This was by far the most challenging custom I've done so far. I decided to give it a try after the Big Boa muscle sculpting went so well. This was significanly more difficult. The head was the hardest part (especially the hood).

I have no idea why the green in the picture looks so blotchy. After seeing the shots, I examined the figure again, and the green is uniform. Maybe it's the camera flash doing weird things with the metallic paint.

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