Head: Main Frame
Chest: Wet Suit v3
Arms: Python Tele-Viper
Waist: Dr. Mindbender v2
Thighs: Dr. Mindbender v2
Feet: Dr. Mindbender v2

I'm here at school. I've got a bag of junk figures, some sharpie markers, screwdrivers, and a nail file. What can I possibly make with that? A LBC of course! After seeing Christmas Viper in General Hawk's review of the NAC, I knew what to make.

Urine Vipers

Cobra Discoloration Trooper

Say what? Urine Viper? Yes, this is a rare and often unseen speciality Viper. Urine Vipers prey on the moralel of G.I. Joe, by discoloring the Joe's uniforms. Turning whites to yellow, blues to green, giving unnatural skin tones, and generaly fadeing all colors.

From General Hawk's files: UV's cause the most trouble for our arctic missions...I mean there is only so much yellow snow for our guys to hide in...

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