AWE Striker, HAL, several customized or scratch-built vehicles, figures mainly from Hasbro and Lanard, self-made buildings and accessories

The idea was to create some kind of hidden village of bad guys in the wilderness. The wooden buildings were made mainly of 2 cm strong stakes and ice cream sticks. For purpose of weathering I painted the wood with acrylic paint diluted in water. Besides I painted a Spider Man toy building made of plastic in order to get a haunted castle. The vehicles are partly from Hasbro and partly made of parts from die-cast vehicles scale 1:18. The AWE Striker e.g. got a motor from a 1993 Maisto Porsche. The blue car with tractor wheels was entirely scratch-built. It has a chassis from a Ferrari F 40, an engine hood from a Porsche, seats from a Mercedes and front wheels from a Ferrari. The further accessories consist of a large number of more or less heavily modified toy parts and even include a scratch-built rusty moonshine distillery located besides the car with tractor wheels.

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