Head: Heat Viper
Torso: Cross Country
Arms: Gyro Viper
Waist: Blaster
Thighs: Back Stop
Feet: Back Stop

It takes a special breed to drive the Stun II. Recruited from the Ranks of the Viper Corps, Motor Vipers are the craziest ones Cobra could find. To be a Motor Viper II you have to be willing to drive at speeds topping 100 MPH off road, and closing in on 200 MPH on paved surfaces with nothing between you and your target but the shirt on your back and your ability to swerve and juke.

At the speeds reached in the Stun II, anything from a bug or pebble to the Joe's lasers can be deadly to the Motor Viper II. Their specially designed suits, made of multiple layers of Kevlar and other ballistic retardant composites, protect them from most of those threats. Their wild driving protects them from everything else.

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