Head: JvC Neo Viper Commander
Body: SF Guile (diver)
Arms: JvC Beachhead
Waist: JvC Beachhead
Legs: JvC Sgt Stalker
One thing has always confused me about Destro. Why does he surround himself with WW1 rejects?
The Iron Grenadiers look suprisingly naif, so I wanted to improve them, whilst staying true to the Iron Grenadier concept. I had most of it planned out, as a combination between the original version, and the Spytroops version. The shoulder pad was the main problem, but seeing some discarded Droid Starfighters in my junk-bag, I noticed the "cockpit" had an unusual shape, which was perfect. The head was also fascinating, I wanted a strange combination of the colors, which worked. I am very happy with this Iron Grenadier, and hope to maintain this level of quality with my future customs.