Head: Duke modified
Torso: Chief Torpedo
Arms: Cross Hair
Waist: Recondo
Legs: Cross Hair
I was looking at a pair of Cross Hair arms wondering what I was going to do with them, as not many characters have ribbed sweatshirts. And although I had seen them used to make a long sleeved Shipwreck I felt they were simply to small to go with the rest of the body. Then I remembered! Skid Mark! Yes, Skid Mark has a ribbed sweatshirt! I'll make a Skid Mark custom! Haven't seen a news culpt custom of him before. Quite frankly I don't know if I've ever seen any custom of him.
Then I got a better idea. Ambush would be a more challenging figure to do amd the head would be a little more fun to sculpt. I was tempted to make him his old sculpt twin Side Track, but that idea didn't last long. All in all this turned out rather well, as I am always pleased to make customs that mimic their RAH counterparts accurately. Though I am still tempted to do a Skid Mark custom.