Head: Spirit 84 w/ Baroness 84 hair
Chest: Night Creeper Leader 93
Arms: Snake-Eyes 89
Waist: Quick-Kick 85
Right Thigh: Mutt 84
Left Thigh: Spirit 84
Lower Legs: Mutt 84

Backpack: Shockwave 88
Uzi: Low-Light 91
Knife: Leatherneck 94

I loved the Devil's Due version of Spirit (that uniform makes a lot more sense for a tracker), and I was excited to make a figure of him. I owe a debt of gratitude to Chad_Ghost for the idea to use the Night Creeper Leader chest for Spirit. I've seen two great versions of the DD version so far (Chad_Ghost's and Beav's), so mine's got some pretty stiff competition.

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