Head: Dreadnok Ripper (GvC v.2) with pieces of Heavy Duty (GvC v.5) and POTF Han Solo
Torso: Zartan (GvC v. 6)
Arms, crotch & legs: Dreadnok Torch (VvV v.2)

Torch and tanks: The CORPs
Chain: ToyBiz Age of Apocalypse Sabretooth

As much as I think the new-sculpt Torch figure represents some of the finest overall design and proportioning in the line since the relaunch (and even though it's much closer to faithful than the DTC Monkeywrench), Dreadnok Torch just doesn't work for me as the character he was intended to be.

So I tweaked him, using pieces I had developed and/or chosen for a previous custom of Torch.

This hybrid utilizes my favorite parts of the new release (arms and legs) while preserving what I consider to be some classic visual elements of the character.

The torso was easy to choose, but the head represents a lot of work (actually done over a year ago and duplicated many times since).

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