Head: VvV Hi-Tech
Torso: ST Dart
Arms: ST Dart
Waist: ST Burn Out
Legs: ST Burn Out
Goggles: ST Black Out
Chainsaw: CORPS! Bengala
Buzzer was one of the best educated at Oxford when he decided to research Biker Gangs for a Society Class Project. Oxford paid for him to go to Australia, where there had been a large uprising in the biker gang phenomenon. He wasn't there long before he had changed his look from a well groomed and mannered student, to a rough and ready biker with a penchant for chainsaws and other rotating cutting tools. He was caught by Zartan trying to cut up his favorite bike for a laugh, instead of punishing him or killing him, Zartan admired his lust for mindless vandalism and mayhem and hired him alongside Torch and Ripper.
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Customizer comments: This was a tough custom to make considering he is one of the founding Nok members and needed the semi original look....the only spare parts I had at the time belonged to dart and kinda looked like the military shirt he wore a lot and the arm pads could be protection from his own blade.