Head, gun: Raven's castings
Arms, waist, legs: Dr. Mindbender V2
Torso: Chew Toy Viper (Python Viper)

Looks like a pretty dull custom until you look at the parts list. It takes several coats of paint to cover neon yellow. Good parts in bad colors make things like the V2 Mindbender such good custom fodder.

I enjoyed doing the dry brushing on the wrist electronics, and they look pretty good, but the scan didn't show them well.

"Chew toy viper"; is what I named a Python Viper that I got in a trade. It looked like a dog had taken a liking to it, and I used him for a "walking wounded" Viper, until I realized that his (mostly) intact chest was exactly what I needed to complete the classic Viper.

Eventually he suffered major paint rub, and was sold off in a lot of customs that I got rid of.

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