Head: Umm...
Helmet: Viper v1
Torso: Night Viper
Arm: H.E.A.T. Viper
Waist: Dart
Upper legs: Dart
Lower legs: Medi-Viper
Backpack: Big Ben v1
S.A.W.: DTC S.A.W. Viper
Knife: Dart
Sea Serpents are a branch of the Cobra Eels. They are similar to the US Navy S.E.A.L. in that they are at home in the water, yet do a lot of their work on dry ground. Not only do they have to qualify as Eels, but they must undergo very harsh training in small team commando tactics, explosives, infiltration and light arms.
They are launched en masse from an off shore Cobra sub and ride their Sea Snake to the beach and either take it using force or land quietly and sneak into and destroy their objective, depending on the mission.