- Vintage Skystryker complete

Hi, this is my vintage Sky Stryker. When I got it, the plane was complete, but all decals and the plastic were suffering the passing of the years. It was yellowing and some missiles were broken, but complete. I find another Mexican guy who sells GI Joe vehicles, repros decals of a lot of models. I bought him the decals for the Skystriker and I start to repair the missiles and pull off the vintage decals and clean the plastic. Another intersting change that I did, was to change the landing system, I modified it so the system only works for the wheels and I can move the wheels where ever I want.

The second part of the job was to add the paint wear. I downloaded some F-14 pictures and I made combined the wear pattern of three planes that I saw and the result are in the pictures. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for looking at my vehicle.

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