Head: Trading Arts Tifa w/ VvV Baroness hair and Microsister glasses

Shoulders: Bombstrike

Waistcoat: VvV Cobra Commander

Holster: VvV Gung-Ho

All other parts belong to VvV Baroness

Accessories: Coat - Killuminati (^^ Thanks~)
Hat - Comic Pack Flagg
Rifle - RAH Baroness w' retooled stock
Vest - Lady Jaye Spytroops armor
Pistol - BBI
Knife - Spytroops Night Creeper (?)

The Baroness... the scourge of free people across the world. She is the second Most Wanted person in the free world, just under Cobra Commander. In his absence, she personally instructs all Cobra Forces in their never-ending struggle against modern governments. Her exclusive command of the Shadow Guard, a branch of combat-ready Crimson Guardsmen known for their skills in marksmanship and accounting, makes her an especially powerful target. She herself is known for brilliant marksmanship and excessively violent hand-to-hand combat techniques. Though intel suspects some sort of relationship with notorious arms-dealer James Destro, whether this is a Cobra ploy or mutual is undetermined. All contact is considered extremely dangerous, so proceed with caution!

^_^ Another step in the road to a perfect Baroness figure. Someday, I'll do it! I'm pleased with the body for now, but the head is just a liiittle too big. I kinda like the tinted-blue hair; it's a lot like her appearance in the comic. Well, it'll do for now.

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