Head Mirage
Torso Downtown
Right arm: Viper V1
Left arm: Blaster
Legs: Dr. Mindbender V2

Jade Dragon Guard background: As Cobra and its allies gain more control over the world, China sees a massive threat, not only to itself but to the entire Southeast Asian continent. Their answer is their own version of the G.I. Joe Team, The Jade Dragon Guard (or Guang Qiu Jing) and China realizes that it cannot stand alone against the threat of Destro, Cobra, and all of its allies. China enlists the aid of other Southeast Asian countries in order to secure its position (this is more pronounced when Cobra succeeds in capturing North Korea). Old rivalries are put away (In the Political form at least) and the specialized team is formed. Its members however have much difficulty forgetting the past, and many times it seems the team will fall apart from its own infighting.

Although Mercer is the one Viper mentioned the most who turned on Cobra and Joined the enemy team, he is by far not the only one. One example is Sune-ku, a former viper in a cell of Japan who changed sides shortly after Cobra began its massive conquests of the rest of the world.

Sune-ku escaped when his information leaks were discovered by some clever Crimson Guards (who purposely planted false info to be able to trace the leak to its source). Da Jiang saw an opportunity in the former spy, and asked for him to be assigned ASAP.

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