Head and torso: VvV Jinx
Arms, and legs: VvV Scarlett
Waist: VvV Stalker

Jade Dragon Guard background: As Cobra and its allies gain more control over the world, China sees a massive threat, not only to itself but to the entire Southeast Asian continent. Their answer is their own version of the G.I. Joe Team, The Jade Dragon Guard (or Guang Qiu Jing) and China realizes that it cannot stand alone against the threat of Destro, Cobra, and all of its allies. China enlists the aid of other Southeast Asian countries in order to secure its position (this is more pronounced when Cobra succeeds in capturing North Korea). Old rivalries are put away (In the Political form at least) and the specialized team is formed. Its members however have much difficulty forgetting the past, and many times it seems the team will fall apart from its own infighting.

Traditionally, women are forbidden from warfare in most Southeast Asian countries, for a woman to even consider a spot with the male warriors, she must show an exceptional aptitude in combat. Fujo-joufu shows ability beyond many of her male counterparts.

Fujo-joufu is a natural with any kind of firearm. She can tell a sight is off just by looking at the gun without firing. Her shots on the firing range are legendary.

She spurns almost all male advancement, almost to the point that some question if she has interests in men at all. Truth is she is dedicated to her carrier and will not jeopardize it for any emotional entanglements.

Fujo-joufu is a serious individual, almost to the point that people refer to her as a cold fish. She never unwinds or takes time away from base (except on missions of course). However her weakness is her greatest strength, and she long ago proved herself to the other members of her team.

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