Head: BAT Cast
Torso: Ferret
Waist: Destro V3
Arms, Feet, Left Thigh: BAT V1
Pack: SAW Viper
Gun 'Arm': Out-of-scale Gun

After the less-than-stellar debut of the BAT V1, Dr. Mindbender, under the direction of Destro & the help of MARS, decided to create the BAT V1_B. Utilizing a revolutionary artificial intelligence (A.I.) program and a derivative of his brain-wave scanner, Mindbender was able to create a new, smarter BAT -- one with the ability to instantly change battle tactics, and also update the programs of BAT V1s in the vicinity, essentially becoming a BAT Battlefield Commander.

Unfortunately, Mindbender's new program worked too well, giving the BAT V1_B almost complete autonomy, including the ability to rebel against its original directives, and even turn on its 'master.'
Worse for Mindbender, the BAT V1_B corralled the localized BAT squadrons to override their own programmed directives and join in its cause.

Six BAT V1_Bs were created. Four never left MARS' production laboratory. It took two Cobra squads and the Iron Grenadier Internal Force to bring them down -- at a very high cost. After paying Destro a sizable amount of money to cover the damage to MARS & personnel, Mindbender hired Major Bludd to 'retire' the two escaped BAT V1_Bs. Bludd got one, and decided the money wasn't good enough to go after the last.

It's still out there.

It's believed to have 'gathered' BAT V1s for its mission.

No one knows what its mission is...

To teach, improve, share, entertain and showcase the work of the customizing community.