Head: Ciclon (Overlord v1)

Arms and legs: Volanter (Blocker)

Rising from the shadows Overlord took in surprise Cobra Command, G.I. Joe, and the rest of the world alike, and now he is the ruler of the Middle East country of Trucial Abysmia. Overlord and his Coil organization have been in hiding since his defeat in the last Cobra's mercenary contest to eliminate Sgt. Slaughter. The Coil made an unexpected and perfectly coordinated strike on Trucial Abysmia, eliminating mercilessly or kidnapping the most important figures in the chain of command of both politics and military. Overlord now stands as the dictator of a poverty-stricken nation yet rich in natural resources and will present a much bigger challenge for G.I. Joe than Cobra ever has. To celebrate this flawless victory Overlord demanded a new suit to reflect his new position and the country he now rules, a country rich in sand, gold and oil.

-- Hi there, I'm from Brazil and new in this business, so I really appreciate any feedback you can give about the text and the figure itself. Thanks.

---My choice of the basic color gave me an unpleasant result at a first moment, because I was intending to make the cobra symbol in red. So I went to the old black to save me. I liked the final result.

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