Head: Astro-Viper v3 (aka Shadow-Viper)
Torso: Major Bludd v4
Arms, waist and legs: Duke v8
Rifle: Frostbite v2
Binoculars: Accessory pack #3
Helmet: Mutt v1
Pack: Sgt. Stalker
Typical sniper missions include reconnaissance and surveillance, anti-sniper, killing enemy leadership, selecting targets of opportunity, and anti-material tasks (destruction of military equipment).
The Night Viper Sniper is a key element of the Night Viper teams, acting as over watch for nocturnal raids. Armed with a starlight scope, the NVS is kitted out to act alone for missions of short duration (such as discrete fire support to a point-target raid), but often works in conjunction with a spotter for longer operations.
*Shown here without ghillie suit