Even though Scarface didn't quite make it as a series regular or a main character, he played a pretty cool role in the early Marvel Joe series. Again, I'm surprised that outside of the TRU Cobra Infantry box set that this character was never made, especially with the Comic Packs. So I filled the void in my Cobra ranks with my own...
This custom was really pretty simple, I just took a Crimson Guard head, painted the mask to match the Cobra Troopers from the Comic Packs, then cut the neck down to fit on a older style, swivel-only torso. I painted the hair black, made a helmet from Overkill v6 (not shown) and painted the scars on the face. I decided to go with the trenchcoat look here rather than the trooper look, that being my favorite look for the character, plus it sets him apart form my other Cobra troops.
Thanks for looking!