Customized Warthog, Mauler Battle Tank, Wolverine, customized Sky Hawk, Skystorm.

Three unidentified green rocket launchers from Hasbro, customized X-Wing from Hasbro, small cannon from Lanard, small anti-air gun vehicle from Chap Mei, four die-cast cars, UFO from Lost in Space, self-made red trailer for transportation of UFO, self-made facility with two floors, artificial plants and more than 60 figures from Hasbro, Lanard, Chap Mei and others. Most of the soldier figures belong to an unknown BBI collection of special police forces of several countries which was sold in Brazil in the late 90s.

The diorama is divided into a left part with a building containing the X-Wing and some aliens as well as research and security staff and a right part with a road and a transportation unit bringing a second captured UFO. The building is illuminated by 40 small electric Christmas candles. In my collection stored at photobucket under user klausmerkel more photos can be seen. The X-Wing in fact I purchased broken, one upper wing was missing. The remaining upper wing I put on top of the fighter and inserted two new self-made upper wings. Parts of the X-Wing I painted with aluminum color.

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