Head: Scarlett v5
Torso, arms, waist and upper Legs: Comic Pack Lady Jaye v4
Lower legs: Bombstrike
Crossbow: Agent Scarlett v4
Shoulder pads: BBI Army helmets

This Scarlett is a translation of her more current look in the America's Elite comic, specifically the Phoenix Guard story arc. I feel it is a little bit more of a realistic army uniform for Scarlett, with all due respect to previous versions. This one just seems a little more militaristic and practical, especially with the more muted uniform colors.

I found the comic pack #2 head fit better on this body (wasn't so small as the comic pack #9 Scarlett's head.) I had to re-fashion her head onto a longer ball-jointed neck, because the comic pack #2 Scarlett has a short one. I kept her old school crossbow to keep true to the character.

Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate it!

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