Head: Microman Acroyear X-AX-11 AcroScorl (ditto the chest piece/arms) w/modified Gen. Abernathy neck
Torso: Raptor '87
Arms: Neurotoxin
Waist: Low-Light V2
Spider Body: Hidden Kingdom Tarantula
Shield: ST Grunt
Spear: Unknown
AK-74 w/bayonet: Marauder, Inc.

The Strider, or spider-centaur, is a bizarre combination of a giant spider mated to a humanoid torso to create a decidedly unnatural blending. Striders are intelligent, very adaptable creatures often used as scouts or support troops by Netherworld forces; they can figure out most any weapon quickly, making them highly useful in a variety of situations. Interestingly, they are very mercenary, apt to pick up or drop causes as it suits them.

Striders are extremely fast and agile, which helps to make up for their relatively fragile bodies; the torso itself sports protective back scales but nothing in the front, with Striders relying on a variety of shields, and their agility, for defense. Their heads are encased in a "winged" metal helmet that may or may not be purely decorative, these tend to increase the Strider's already fearsome appearance.

Like spiders, Striders can climb walls or cling to ceilings provided the surface isn't too slick or smooth; they can also spin webs and cocoon prey or captives. At the front of the spider body are a pair of fangs than can inject a paralytic venom, used by the Striders to capture prisoners--or prey. Striders prefer to eat living prey, but do so using their mouths rather than fangs. The result for their victims is a slow, horrible death.

Ancient records of Roman, Greek and Persian armies tell tales of battling Striders, though most of these tales have been hidden away or rewritten over time to omit any mention of them; they are often depicted wielding spears or axes, and carrying decorative shields. The first instance of modern Striders being encountered occured in Anderson, Washington, a small town not far from the Canadian border. The Striders were stopped by the Joes, but not before they nearly took over the little town, and left behind the mystery of just whom it was they served...

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