Head: Hannibal Comic Pack
Torso: Duke v8
Arms: Muskrat v1
Legs: Mercer v1
Headband: Scrap plastic
Knives: Marauder, Inc.
Paint: Model Masters Acrylic

I wanted to update Zandar, modernize him a bit, drawing from the recent Devil's Due Joe stuff, not exactly, but the DDP stuff was definitely inspiration for this custom.

I wanted to give Zandar a little more of a mercenary look,and a bit more militaristic, while keeping his Dreadnok roots intact (colors, tattoos/facial markings, etc) I had a little trouble picking out an appropriate head, then I tried Hannibal here. A little orange hair and face tattoos and he seemed to pass pretty well for ol' Zandar.

I armed him with two knives, just seemed to look cool and also go with his street punk/Dreadnok past.

Cool, thanks for looking!

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