Head: Countdown (1989)
Chest: Desert Scorpion (1991)
Arms: Rock Viper (1990)
Waist: Rock Viper (2000)
Legs: Rock Viper (2000)
While working as a computer specialist at Cobra for 25 years, Back-Slash quickly came to Destro's defense when a G.I. Joe raid invaded the newly designed Terror Drome.
Besting Snake-Eyes & Scarlett's swords from them with his bare-hands, Destro quickly learned that his Specialist was in the wrong line of work.
Hours later, safe from G.I. Joe, Destro interrogated Back-Slash alone for close to 48 hours. A 'computer specialist' does not take down two of G.I.Joe's best within a matter of minutes. Destro wanted the truth of who Back-Slash was. After nearly cutting out his eye, Back-Slash then informed Destro that his family had been protecting the McCullen Clan in secrecy for over 200 years. He was only fulfilling a family tradition and wished to continue it with no one else's knowledge. Within days, Back-Slash had become Destro's personal bodyguard. Not even the Baroness knows the truth about Back-Slash. That secret lies with him, and Destro.