Head, torso, and arms are from Dr. Link Talbot v1.
Pelvis, upper legs, and lower legs are from Gung-Ho v14 (VvV Night Force).
Wrist communicator, M-16, and shoulder bag are random accessories.
I have no idea what the vest is from.
I actually like Dr. Talbot a lot. He's unique for many reasons. For one thing, he's got a totally new specialty for GI Joe -- no mean feat after the hundreds and hundreds of figures made! For another thing, his background is really interesting (he's a SEAL, a martial arts tournament champion, and a vet!). For another thing, he has two very strong visual points: his head sculpt with the corn rows really stands out and has a lot of character, and his t-shirt with its championship logo is really evocative and eye-catching. The problem with Link is that he came with crummy accessories and he has really weird pants (I plan on using them for a Cobra figure, actually). Oh, and for some reason he doesn't rate a code-name. After seeing someone else address the figure's problems, I was inspired to follow along. Works fairly well, I think, for such an ELBC (Extremely Lazy Boy Custom).