Head: Casted Viper Head
Torso, Arms: Surefire
Waist, Legs: Duke

In every organization, someone is at the top, and a great number of people are at the bottom. In Cobra, the lowest rank is Viper. If you want to do anything in Cobra, you start there. Within their number you will find the deserters, dishonored, the unfortunate, or the just the vile. They make no beef about accepting anyone, regardless of past deeds; they do, however, require ruthlessness and brutality. Cobra Commander only promotes the most successful of his troops, so there is quite a bit of competition among the ranks, with the best advancing and the worst often not surviving.

"Sometimes I think Cobra emptied out the prisons of an entire country to make an army: their soldiers are just thugs and bullies."

General Hawk

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