25th V.A.M.P.
Krylon Fusion Black
As much as I want a a 25th Anniversary Cobra Stinger, I'm not feeling too great about shelling out 30-40 bucks on the stupid thing.
I picked up another V.A.M.P. on eBay for 8 bucks and probably spent another 8 on Paint and decals. I'm pretty happy with how those numbers add up. I like the "Laser" cannon better than the missles. I like the open cab way better because you can actually see the figures sitting in it. I could care less whether there's a shovel or an AK-47 stuck on the hood. The only thing I miss is having the platform on the back to hold two more figures. Even though it doesn't seem practical on the Stinger for them to stand with their faces inches away from the missles.
Maybe at some point I'll get 1 or 2 "real" Stingers.
I will probably make 1 or 2 more of these. Just this single one looks awesome sitting in my all black convoy. I need to get a few Mobile Missle Systems and paint those black as well to tow behind.
There was some Canada exclusive black V.A.M.P. and MMS set back in the 80's. I saw that on yojoe.com and now must replicate it.
There was also an issue of the comic with Hawk and Clutch kidnapping Scarface in the V.A.M.P. after infiltrating a convoy of Cobra H.I.S.S. Tanks and Stingers. (I think they looked just like the V.A.M.P. without the doors or missles.)
Also, after realizing NONE of my Stinger Drivers would fit in the seats very well because of the "diaper crotch" I went ahead and dremeled them down so they could sit properly. Otherwise their heads stick out the top of the rollbar even more.
Thats just not safe man.