Head: Spirt (Comic Pack)
Chest: Hannibal
Arms: Long Range
Lower Body: Overkill

Hat: Cross Hair
Helmet: Spytroops Copperhead helmet

I always liked the character of Copperhead, but I never liked his toy. When I saw the Master Collector version of him I knew I had to create a custom of him myself.

In my version of him I made him a more a part of the Dreadnoks, but I wanted him to look similar to the original toy so he didn't look like just another biker.

I had a very specific ideal of how Copperhead is as a character. He's one of the best boat racers in the world with a serious gambling problem, but always ends up working for Cobra. So I wanted to make him so he would look good lounging on he Water Moccasin in the bayou sleeping, being lazy.

I have to thank Xhairs' for supplying me with the helmet so I could actually complete this figure.

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