Head : Snow Serpent
Helmet : Sigma Six
Chest : Gung-Ho
Upper Arms : Switch Gears
Lower Arms : Sgt. Airborne
Waist : Tele-Viper
Thighs : Chief Torpedo (mod. w/ holster)
Boots : Neo-Viper

I never understood why the Cobra Viper had goggles on a helmet that has a face plate. Sure, one could come up with all kinds of explanations and reasons why, but in the end the two details still conflict with each other. So, I modded a Sigma Six helmet (shrunk by Fett80) to have a face plate; without the goggles.
The rest of the body construction was actually inspired by Cobra Command's take on the character.

Thanks to Joecustoms, and Thank You for looking!!

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