Head: SHS Mr. Fantastic modded
Waist, Legs and Arms: AOD Splitting Ash
Torso: Scratch built from Sculpey
Right Hand: Microman
Labcoat: Dried-out baby wipe, cut and glued
Dr. William Birkin was one of the chief scientists working for the Umbrella Corporation in the bio-weapons division. He along with colleague and rival Albert Wesker perfected the T-Virus. Rumor has it that Birkin was the actual person responsible for the Outbreak in Raccoon City as seen in Resident Evil 2 and 3 (Nemesis).
As those of you have seen from my customs in the past, Resident Evil is my favorite VG. For my holiday project, I finally got up the never to start on my first ground-up diorama, Umbrella Labs. Having the basic structure built, I started creating characters to fill the lab in between working on the lab. I knew Birkin was high on my to-do list.