Main Chassis: 84' Stinger, painted primer gray and flat black. Missile rack and stand: 89' Tiger Sting. Missiles: 85' Snowcat, modified to fit. Push bar: 84' Vamp MkII. Rear bumper and handlebar: 84' Stinger. Decals: 84' Stinger and 89' Tiger Sting.

Like the VAMP and the VAMP MkII, the Stinger and the Stinger MkII are quite similar. In fact, all four vehicles are essentially the same, at least as far as everything but their primary weapons are concerned. Each variant was adopted to satisfy the ever evolving needs of each force: that is, each time that G.I. Joe modified their design, Cobra followed suit. However, instead of going in radically different directions, Cobra armorers were usually content to merely match the performance of their counterparts . . . especially in the case of the Stinger MkII, which, except for boasting a slightly increased horsepower rating, is basically just a gray and black VAMP MkII.

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