Head: October Guard soldier Shrage
Torso: Roadblock v5
Arms: Capt. Grid Iron
Waist: Mercer v2
Legs: Gung-ho v11

Gun*: Beach Head v5
RPG*: Chap Mei toys accessories
Glasses: Handmade

* Secret Cheat Code Weapons, the RPG can lock on to any vehicle and one shot can level an entire military base. The Gun fires like a mini gun, high rate of fire and lots of ammunition (especially if used in conjunction with unlimited ammo cheat.)

Name: Mattias Nilsson
Nationality: Swedish
Languages: English
ExOps: 1 Year

Nilsson may have experience in the past, but as far as the other mercs are concerned he's a rookie. Until you run with ExOps for a few years, you haven't seen real combat. However, in this short time, he's proven to move faster than anyone on the battlefield, and a fast merc is a merc who comes home in one piece...

Playground of Destruction

To teach, improve, share, entertain and showcase the work of the customizing community.