Head: Monkeywrench
Torso: Croc Master
Arms: Mercer
Waist & Legs: Heavy Duty
This was one of my earliest customs, which I never got around to posting. I've finished it years ago, including its own filecard (though I submitted an updated one with Joecustoms' filecard creator for a better design).
Creating this figure stemmed from having too many Croc Master parts available, and randomly creating a custom with them. This one looked like a Dreadnok, so I made him one.
The only catch was using Heavy Duty's waist, with the "Joe" buckle. And that's where the idea for the filecard/background came from.
I wish I posted this one early on, as it's background isn't that original now, as it's made similar with the Dreadheads. But I didn't want to change my custom's filecard anymore so I went with the old story.