Head: Blaster
Torso: Scoop
Arms: Blizzard
Legs: Gnawgahyde
Backpack/tool bag: Firefly v13
LRRP motorbike: Corps! dirt bike
Bedroll: Suede leather
Shotgun holster: TA quiver
Gas can: Buzzer backpack.
Rear storage box: Accessory pack #4
Saddlebag: Bombstrike
Pistol holster: Black-Out belt
Forward gun: 2001 Desert Striker
Weapons: Uzi ( Shipwreck v5) Glock 40 (BBI-in holster), Shotgun (BBI), Machete (Ozone v4), Survival Knife (unknown), Satellite radio ( Firefly v13)
Recon and Surveillance
Code Name: Exodus
File Name: Unknown
Alias: Possible "Scoop", unconfirmed
Exodus' primary mission is to gather intelligence on targets for Dreadnok missions. Only Zartan and Ripper know of his existence. He has never been to the Dreadnok headquarters and only corresponds with Zartan via satellite radio and wi-fi digital photography.
A trained survivalist, ex-combat journalist, an accomplished moto-cross racer ( he even tried the Baja 1000 but got stuck in the silt), expert in covert operations and stealth. Exodus works alone and a night. His helmet is equipped with a blue light L.E.D. Payments for his service are sent by Ripper to a unnamed Swiss account. It is rumored that Exodus' actually GI Joe's very own Scoop, but that can not be confirmed.
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"I don't care who he is, his information is well worth the price I pay him." Ripper