Head, Torso, and Arms : 25th Iron Grenadier (Comic Pack)
Legs : 25th Destro Version 2 (Iron Grenadier)
Uzi: 25th Snake Eyes
Grenade Launcher: Marauder Gunrunners
Grenades: 25th Destro Version 1 (Comic Pack)
Testor's Gold Paint, Dullcote and Gloss Cote
Loved the original Iron Grenadier yet somehow only ended up with 1. I figured I would remedy that with the new 25th version just like I did in going crazy with the VIper. Of course I was disappointed just like I was with the Viper, at first. (Hooray for "accurate" rifle-holding-bent-wrist-hands.)
I finally came to accept the figure's Battle Armor Cobra Commander body, ( MARS designed both. Ok, I can see that happening... Thats not a big deal. ) But.... I could not get over the legs being so ridiculously puny. It made him look like a bulldog, or, even worse; a Power Of The Force II Stormtrooper.
I swapped the legs out with his boss just on a whim and liked the way it changed the proportions of the figure into something more tolerable. And it made him slightly taller than Destro. AND I only had to paint the little rivets along the top of each boot.
I thought the uzi he comes with is horrible and way too big, but the Snake Eyes uzi is too small and doesn't look like it would be his primary weapon. I also didn't want him have a huge rifle either. I stumbled across some Marauder samples that were sent to me along with some 25th Vipers I bought off eBay. The grenade launcher works perfectly and it hearkens back to the origins of the name "Grenadier" in that he now has grenades on or about his person. I may or may not glue Comic Pack Version 1 Destro's grenades to the chest. I like the way it adds more red, it matches perfectly and is reminiscent of the original having that big swath of red ribbing down the side of his waist. (And it gives him grenades he could actually lob at someone, again; like his namesake.) I thought of going Dremel crazy and sticking Gung-Ho's thigh pouch on one of his legs to at least give him the appearance of some ammo for the launcher, but got lazy. This was pretty much supposed to be an LBC and I wanted to keep it that way.
I wish I could have used some part of the "all new " Grenadier legs to keep MORE red on the figure, but it just didn't look right and wouldn't work correctly when I combined the upper and lower legs. At least he looks a little more in line with Destro now and not like a black Battle Armor Cobra Commander with new head, feet and bandolier...
I have two of them, and I think that'll do it for awhile considering how scarce they are, and how much I had to shell out on eBay for my 2nd one. Maybe I'll get more if they make a decent Voltar or start making Nullifiers. For now I've got one to stand on either side of Destro and look imposing. I can live with that.