Comic pack Snake Eyes body
Cobra Trooper head

Cobra Trooper AK-47 & Webgear
Battle Damage Snake Eyes satchel

An LBC that I believe was suggested to me on the boards after I got a two-pack for the sake of having a Storm Shadow for custom fodder and didn't know what to do with Snakes. While it didn't take much effort to make, I didn't have a use for him at first, but then doing a little digging on YoJoe I was reminded of the Invasor, and always a fan of army builders, threw that handle on, despite their not being entirely faithful to the original. Like my Spy troops Satan, this is more of an Original figure who just had an old handle and new identity thrown on it.


Cobra Invasor
Cobra Insurgents
PMF: Guerrilla Warfare
SMF: Infantry

One of Cobra's earliest class of soldiers, they where originally just an offshoot of the troopers, various grunts and muscle enlisted from mercenary groups and trained in the art of Guerrilla Warfare. Their mission was to sow terror throughout South America, gaining the world's attention through a multitude of hit & run attacks against not only the standing government, but drug cartels and rebel factions who could become threats. Not bearing the Cobra sigil to stem reprisal, these 'faceless' attackers where given the name 'Invasors' by the local factions, a name that stuck, eventually earning them a personalized title among the Cobra ranks.

"Coming from various twisted origins, they may not seem as much on their own, but as a group they are powerful enemies whose only goal is to sew chaos and anarchy. They can be deployed anywhere across the world in order to disrupt and effectively cripple opposition forces before Cobra's forces move in for the kill."

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