Head: Star Wars Episode One Chancellor Valorum
Arms & Torso: Iron Grenadier
Legs: Destro, Iron Grenadiers Version
Belt and Scabbard: Comic Pack Iron Grenadiers Destro
I knew he'd never get made. But I kept hoping some head would present it self at some point. I was digging through my Empire Strikes Back customs and realized there would probably be a much better sculpt with better articulation coming soon for my handful of Bespin Security Guards. I had stuck a Valorum head on one and it looked cool...
But I had just recently stumbled across another Destro/Iron Grenadier Comic pack and a single card IG Destro. I jumped the gun- bought them all, went home and then realized I needed another grenade launcher and another Vs.1 Destro for fodder to cut his grenades off his wrist so this new one would match. I instead decided "Hey I'll make Sgt. Major, need a head with gray hair- here we go, Dremel time, this'll work." I like it.
I'll still get all the etxtra parts I want to finish him, but for now I like his differences next to the others. And his black belt make him look more like the original comic book appearance somehow. No idea. But I'm glad I made him.