Head: Cobra 25th 5 Pack Storm Shadow
Torso, Upper Arms and Upper Legs: Storm Shadow Version 2
Lower Arms and Lower Legs: Cobra 25th 5 Pack Storm Shadow
Weapons and Gear: Storm Shadow Version 2
Claw: Storm Shadow vs. Firefly Comic Pack

This was one of the first 25th figures I got. I didn't care for the dark gray wrappings on his arms and legs. I liked the head, but it seemed a little small compared to version 1.

After getting more figures and making my definitive version 1 Storm Shadow, I played around with the leftover parts. Boiled and popped the lower arms, swapped them out. Took his legs apart... Etc, Etc... Just on a whim I swapped the heads and liked the result a lot. His tattoo can stay covered, I like it better that way.
We know its supposed to be under there.

I remember an issue of the comic with Storm Shadow on the cover, I think he was popping up out of the sun roof of a VW Van, and he had his bow drawn back and his hood down. He was hunting Zartan in that issue, I believe. That's what this was reminding me of, and I had to finish it now.

I set about mixing the paint as close as my semi color blind eyes could get it. I painted the same basic lines that are on his hood and face. I didn't worry about getting them too neat, I knew I would fix that in post-op like I do when painting eyes. I let the head dry, Dulcoted it and then carefully scraped excess paint off with sharp, round, tooth picks, until I had all the right angles looking a little neater. In looking at the figure the paint app isn't all that great anyway, so I tired not to fuss too much. As long as it matched more or less, I was happy.

Hope you like it.

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