Whole figure except head: Cobra Legions' Cobra Commander
Head: POTC Capt Sao Feng
Helmet, Hood and Staff: VvV Cobra Commander (v20)
Beret: Unknown
Dumby heads: Destro v10 (glued to stand and repainted flat black.

This is a total LBC, but it was just made for fun. I had the CC from the legions pack and was wondering what to do with it. After making Billy, I decided to make an unmasked version of the Commander. I gave Capt Sao Feng the hair club for men treatment and trimmed his vandyke. I repainted the head and colored the hair. All head gear fits um, well, just needs a little push ( unfortunately the helmet cut off CC's ponytail). I wanted a Cobra Commander that could be displayed with all of his headgear. I used v10 Destro's head because, WWCCD? {laughing maniacally}. This isn't the best unmasked but it's mine.

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