Body & Helmet: Cobra Commander V26

Head & Webgear: Cobra Vehicle Driver

Goggles: Cobra Viper V19

Real Name - Unknown. Cobra Sergeant Major is said to be the one of the first to join Cobra. Once a Sgt Major of the US Army, he became disillusioned with the hypocrisy of what the United States had become. He fell in with Cobra, bring with him years of military experience. He serves as Military Adviser to Cobra Commander and oversees the training of Cobra Troopers, Officers and Vipers.

How many of the same Cobra Commanders do you need. What are there a hundred versions of CC using the same mold? So I decided to make a new character using the mold. I think worked out. Please bear in mind, most of my customs are LBC. I don't paint very well, so I pick parts that go good together with little or no paint.

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